Grease Interceptor Pumping & Cleaning

Areas & Services We Provide
- Los Angeles County, California - Used Cooking Oil | Grease Trap & Interceptor Cleaning, Repair, & Installation | Hydro Jetting | Hood & Exhaust Cleaning | Plumbing | Grease Spill Clean Up With Water Recovery
- Orange County, California - Used Cooking Oil | Grease Trap & Interceptor Cleaning, Repair, & Installation | Hydro Jetting | Hood & Exhaust Cleaning | Plumbing | Grease Spill Clean Up With Water Recovery
- San Diego County, California - Used Cooking Oil | Grease Trap & Interceptor Cleaning, Repair, & Installation | Grease Spill Clean Up With Water Recovery
- Riverside County, California - Used Cooking Oil | Grease Trap & Interceptor Cleaning, Repair, & Installation | Hood & Exhaust Cleaning | Grease Spill Clean Up With Water Recovery
- San Bernardino County, California - Used Cooking Oil | Grease Trap & Interceptor Cleaning, Repair, & Installation | Hood & Exhaust Cleaning | Grease Spill Clean Up With Water Recovery
- Ventura County, California - Used Cooking Oil | Grease Trap & Interceptor Cleaning, Repair, & Installation | Hydro Jetting | Hood & Exhaust Cleaning | Plumbing | Grease Spill Clean Up With Water Recovery
- Santa Barbara County, California - Used Cooking Oil | Grease Trap & Interceptor Cleaning, Repair, & Installation | Hydro Jetting | Hood & Exhaust Cleaning | Plumbing | Grease Spill Clean Up With Water Recovery
- San Luis Obispo County, California - Used Cooking Oil | Grease Trap & Interceptor Cleaning, Repair, & Installation | Grease Spill Clean Up With Water Recovery
- Imperial County, California - Used Cooking Oil | Grease Trap & Interceptor Cleaning, Repair, & Installation | Grease Spill Clean Up With Water Recovery
Why Choose Us
When working with Grease Management Solutions, rest assure that you are dealing with highly qualified professionals that specializes in commercial kitchen services. Get to know us today by calling 888-696-9906.
Grease Interceptor Pumping
What is a grease trap / grease interceptor?
Similar functions of grease trap, the main difference that sets a grease interceptor apart is the size ranging from 500 gallons and above. Grease interceptors are usually found in ground installed in the parking lot of the establishment covered with manholes similar to the photo shown to the left. Its main function is to trap fats, oils, greases, and settled solids from commercial kitchens before entering the city sanitation line.
Interceptor Pumping and Cleaning
When cleaning a grease interceptor, it is important that all waste is removed from top to bottom. Unless, there is a problem with the interceptor such as an overflow or blockage content removed should be the rated size with a variance of 8-10%. In most cities, it is required for grease interceptors have 25% or less grease and settled solids. Once it reaches the 25% level, it is imperative that the device is completely pumped to prevent any citation from the inspectors. Depending of the size of the interceptor or amount of FOGS waste produced by the restaurant or establishment, grease interceptor cleaning will typically vary between 1-3 months on average. Failing to clean the device on a timely manner reduces its effectiveness, enabling it to release excess fats, oils, greases, and solids out to sewer and city sanitation lines.
Complete Pumping Service
Grease Management Solutions offers complete pumping and cleaning service of outdoor grease traps and interceptors. Licensed and approved by the CDFA as inedible kitchen grease waste haulers, we are here to keep in compliance with all regulations pertaining to FOGS waste removal and disposal. With every service provided, our service will include a full compliance FOGS certification report.
Keeping you in full compliant with any FOGS related regulation is our job. Our grease interceptor cleaning experts are fully licensed by the CDFA to remove, haul and dispose grease trap waste content. Call us today to get a quote at 888-696-9906..
How To Clean A Grease Interceptor?
Cleaning a grease interceptor must be done by professionals who are licensed and have the proper machinery. Due to its large size, it is important the servicer have the proper equipment that can fully remove the complete content of the device. Since grease interceptors are made to trap grease and solids using the water as the separator, it is necessary to first skim the grease from the top, remove the water in the middle and finally the solids that settles in the bottom of the device. Failing to remove all content can lead to overflows and costly clean up.
How Often Should A Grease Interceptor Be Pumped?
There are many different factors to determine how frequently a grease interceptor is cleaned. Factors such as size of the interceptor, amount of food being produced in the kitchen, type of waste going into the kitchen drains, etc.. In many cities, throughout Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, San Diego, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, Riverside and San Luis Obispo, the city will require the traps to be cleaned once the content reaches 25% Fat, Oils, Grease and Solids or every 3-6 months depending on the size.
What Will Happen if I Don’t Maintain My Grease Interceptor?
Failing to properly maintain or clean the GI can lead to major overflows and line blockage. When grease interceptors exceed 25-30% FOGS content it increases the probability of a line stoppage inside the kitchen or lead to an overflow having grease leak out of the lids or covers. Hence, having an overflowing grease interceptor is not only dangerous to the public but can also be smelly and most of all be very costly to clean up. Since grease floats to the top of the device when overflows occur, it will most likely be the grease coming out first followed by the waste water. Therefore, with the interceptor being the heart of your kitchen drains it’s imperative that this device is maintained properly in order to reduce the odds of blockages and overflows.
Other Service Provided By Us & Our Partners
We Are A One Stop Shop For All Your Commecial Kitchen Related Needs. From Used Cooking Grease Oil Collection To Plumbing Services We Can Help.
As Your Servicer, We Understand The Importance of Adapting To Our Your Needs.
Other Service
Specializing in the Food Servicing Establishments