Grease Trap Cleaning

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Grease Trap Service
Prevent Backups & Overflows
A grease trap is a device that is required by many cities to control the amount of fats, oils, grease and solids (FOGS) entering the city sanitation line. This gravity device is required to by to city industrial waste and health department to be serviced by a licensed inedible kitchen grease waste hauler. When serving a grease trap, it is imperative that all content of the device is fully removed, hauled and disposed properly by a licensed IKG hauling company. Failing service this device can lead to line backups the in kitchen drains and / or overflows.
is My Grease Trap Clean?
Both grease traps and grease interceptor have a constant flow rating base on pounds or gallons (i.e. 40LB or 1000 Gallons). All cities throughout Southern California states that both devices are full when it reaches 25% Fats, Oils, Grease and Settled Solids. For expample, if your grease trap is 100 gallons, in order to be in compliant the settled solids and floating grease must not exceed 25 gallons while the rest should be waste water should not be less than 75 gallons (See Slider Photo). In some cities, it is mandatory that indoor traps are to be serviced monthly and outdoor grease interceptors quarterly. (See Waste Discharge Department Documents)
What is a grease trap?
A grease trap is a gravity device that separates the fats, oils, grease, and solids (FOGS) preventing them from entering the city sanitary sewer lines. With the use of water and gravity, it separates grease and solid waste from kitchen. When waste water from the kitchen drains enters the trap, the grease settles on the top, solids in the bottom and waste water in the middle ac
ting as a separator.
What is the cost to clean a grease trap?
The price and cost of cleaning a grease trap start at $175 for devices that are regularly maintained and cleaned regularly. Grease traps that have been neglected and have not been cleaned exceeding the 25% FOGS level are subject to higher cost. Devices that have substantial amount of grease and food solid waste have higher cost of disposal fee. Call us today to learn more about grease trap cleaning price at 888-696-9906.
Why install a grease trap?
In the past when having a grease trap was not required, FOGS that was entering the city sanitary line was causing major blockage affecting sewer to overflow and back up. Therefore, the city and waste water sanitation district enforced a law requiring all FSE’s (Food Servicing Establishments) to install a device that will trap to reduce the amount FOGS waste entering the sanitation line.
Why Is The Grease Trap Leaking
There are 3 major reasons grease traps leak leading to a big nasty and smelly mess. Those reasons are as follows:
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